Thursday, October 20, 2016

Ghana Jollof vs Nigerian Jollof

There is a huge debate going on between the Ghanaians and the Nigerians about the Jollof rice. The arguments between these two groups of people are about whose jollof rice tastes better. Since I am a Ghanaian, I will try not to be too biased because I have never tasted the Nigerian jollof rice before. Some say the Ghanaian jollof rice tastes better, and others disagree and say the Nigerian jollof rice is better. The truth is, jollof rice can have many different tastes depending on who prepares it. Some can taste sweet and spicy, while others can taste sweet and salty. Jollof rice can also have different textures to it depending on what kind of rice a person uses to cook it. If jasmine rice is used, which is very common, it'll be dense and really soft.

Image result for compare ghana jollof vs nigerian jollof

Jollof rice can be eaten with a lot of side dishes. The most popular side dishes are plantains and chicken. Jollof rice is made out of rice, tomato paste, onions, peppers, vegetable oil, salt, magi cubes and spices. It is West Africa's most cooked meal for dinner. It is very popular in Nigeria and Ghana because it is known to be the main type of rice that is prepared and eaten.

Nigerians have two types of Jollof rice. The homemade and party jollof. I have some Nigerian friends who said the homemade version is good but the party jollof rice is delicious. The party jollof is eaten with chicken and coke. Most people like that version more because of its crunchy and smokey taste. The smokey taste comes from it being cooked on the stove.

The Ghanaians use Thai Jasmine rice to cook their jollof , while the Nigerians use long grain rice to cook theirs. The jasmine rice that is used to cook the dish makes the food very starchy and dense.
The Ghanaians are well known for their use of tomato paste in all the food they prepare. Because Ghanaians love spicy food, they believe that the more peppery the dish, the better. So they eat their rice with a spicy sauce called shito, which is a black sauce that is made out of ginger, shrimp oil and peppers.

So who wins? In my opinion nobody wins because the Nigerians and the Ghanaians are great cooks.


  1. I have actually had this dish before, although im not sure if it Nigerian or Ghanaian. I do not that it was very good!

  2. I really enjoy reading your blog because I likely would have never heard about these dishes if you didn't bring them up! Keep up the good work :)
