Friday, November 4, 2016


I know some of you will look at this title and wonder what Bofrot is. Well, bofrot is a Ghanaian donut.  It is eaten with porridge for breakfast. Its crispiness and sweet taste are the reason kids love it so much. I personally love eating it because it is my favorite food for breakfast. I still eat it in America because my father always goes to the African restaurants after work and gets them for me.

I remember when I was back home in Ghana, I would always get in trouble for many reasons. The first reason is that I would always be late to school because before I go to school, I would stop at a restaurant to get some few bofrots. I would always get a bag full of them and carry them to school, and end up being so late to school.

Second reason is that, after I arrive at school I would always distribute them to my classmates and friends. After giving out my bofrot, I would always have a mini party in class while we all eat them. Because of all these things, I would always get in trouble with the teachers and the principle.
I love eating bofrot so much that I will literally go anywhere to buy a few.  

Every holiday, my mom will cook a whole bunch for a party. You don't always have to eat bofrot with porridge, you can also eat it with milk tea, regular milk, or juice. These are the ingredients to make bofrots:


1/2 cup of milk
110 g of chopped butter
2 tbsp of condensed milk
3 eggs
vegetable oil
1/4 cup of sugar

`I strongly encourage my readers to make this. I am very sure you will love it so please do not hesitate to make this delicious donut. It is very easy to make, even my three-year-old sister can prepare it herself.  Okay, I was just kidding when I said my little sister can prepare this meal. But seriously, it is very easy to make so please try it. Thank you!!!!